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Published Sep 29, 2024 ⦁ 11 min read
AI's Impact on Text-to-Speech Market 2024

AI's Impact on Text-to-Speech Market 2024

AI is revolutionizing text-to-speech (TTS) technology, making computer voices sound more human-like than ever. Here's what you need to know:

  • The global TTS market is booming:

    • 2024: $4.15 billion
    • 2028: $8.38 billion (projected)
  • AI-powered TTS offers:

    • Natural-sounding voices
    • Multi-language support
    • Emotional expression
    • Custom voice creation
  • Key players: Murf, PlayHT, ElevenLabs, Speechify, Google, Microsoft, Amazon

  • Industries benefiting:

    • Healthcare
    • Education
    • Media
    • Automotive
  • Challenges:

    • Ethics of voice cloning
    • Data privacy concerns
    • Technical limitations

The future of TTS? Expect even more lifelike voices, broader applications, and a focus on responsible AI development.

Feature Traditional TTS AI-Powered TTS
Sound Quality Robotic Natural
Flexibility Limited Highly adaptable
Language Support Restricted Multilingual
Customization Difficult Easy
Emotional Range None Expressive

AI is transforming TTS from a niche technology into a versatile tool with wide-ranging applications. As the market grows, we'll see more natural-sounding voices and innovative uses across industries.

How AI-Powered TTS Works

AI has revolutionized text-to-speech (TTS) systems. Let's break down the key differences between old and new methods.

Old vs. New TTS Methods

Traditional TTS? Robotic voices. AI-powered TTS? Natural speech.

Here's the deal:

Feature Traditional TTS AI-Powered TTS
Sound Quality Robotic, monotonous Natural, expressive
Flexibility Limited Highly adaptable
Language Support Restricted Multilingual
Customization Difficult Easy

AI-powered TTS (or Neural TTS) uses deep learning to create lifelike speech. It's like a sponge, soaking up tons of human speech data to sound more natural.

How does it work? Three main steps:

  1. Text Analysis: Breaks down text into linguistic bits.
  2. Neural Network Processing: Deep neural networks crunch the data.
  3. Waveform Generation: Creates audio based on the processed info.

Remember WaveNet? Google DeepMind's 2016 breakthrough that models raw audio waveforms? That was a game-changer.

Now, AI-powered TTS can:

  • Nail the nuances of speech (stress, intonation, rhythm)
  • Whip up custom voices with minimal training
  • Generate different emotional tones

Take ReadSpeaker VoiceLab. They're using deep neural networks to create custom synthetic voices for brands. It's like giving your brand its own unique voice.

The proof is in the pudding:

A 2016 study found that people rated DNN-based TTS as more natural than other types.

A 2019 review confirmed that deep learning improves synthesized speech quality compared to traditional methods.

As AI keeps evolving, expect even better TTS tech. We're talking synthetic voices so real, you might not even know they're artificial.

TTS Market in 2024

The text-to-speech (TTS) market is booming. In 2024, it's worth $3,710.11 million. By 2029? It could hit $7,385.13 million.

Why the growth? Three big reasons:

  1. More people using mobile devices
  2. Higher demand for tech that helps people
  3. AI and Natural Language Processing getting better

The market's growing fast - 13.20% each year from 2023 to 2032.

Who's Who in TTS

Some big names are shaping TTS:

Company Cool Stuff They Do
Murf Makes content for different channels, clones voices
PlayHT Has 907 voices in 142 languages
ElevenLabs Works for big businesses, makes AI voices sound real
Speechify Reads articles out loud, copies celebrity voices
Altered Changes voices in real-time

How much do they cost? It varies:

  • Murf starts at $19/month (if you pay for a year)
  • PlayHT is free for fun, paid plans from $31.20/month
  • ElevenLabs has a free plan, paid ones from $4.17/month

Don't forget the tech giants: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple are in the game too.

"Neural TTS is taking over. It makes speech sound more human-like using deep learning." - Market Research Report

What's new?

  • Microsoft just launched a tool to make talking videos from text
  • Docebo teamed up with Acapela Group to add personalized TTS to their learning system

North America's leading the charge, with 33% of the market in 2023. Why? They love voice-enabled apps and services.

As AI gets smarter, expect TTS to sound even more real and be more customizable. The future of TTS? It's looking (and sounding) good.

AI Tech Changing TTS

AI is making computer voices sound more human. Here's how:

Deep Learning in TTS

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are the backbone of modern TTS. They crunch tons of speech data to create voices that sound real.

Two key players:

  1. WaveNet: DeepMind's creation that makes raw audio waveforms sound human-like.

  2. Tacotron: Converts text to speech directly, simplifying the whole process.

These models have upped the TTS game. In 2016, people said DNN-based TTS sounded more natural than older methods.

Natural Language Processing

NLP helps TTS systems get language. It's crucial for:

  • Breaking down text
  • Figuring out how to say words
  • Nailing the rhythm and tone

With NLP, TTS can handle tricky language stuff, making it sound more real and fitting for the situation.

Custom Voice Creation

AI is now making personalized computer voices. This "voice cloning" can mimic real people.

For instance:

  • Speechify can sound like Gwyneth Paltrow or Snoop Dogg.
  • Amazon Polly uses deep learning to turn articles into natural-sounding speech.

It works by training DNNs on human speech recordings, looking at:

  • How sounds are made
  • Pitch changes
  • How long sounds last

This lets voices change based on what they're saying, making them more engaging.

AI-powered TTS is popping up everywhere:

Field Use
Entertainment Audiobooks, games
Customer Service AI assistants, support
Accessibility Screen readers, language tools
Marketing Custom audio content

As AI keeps getting better, expect TTS voices to become even more lifelike and flexible.

How AI Improves TTS Quality

AI has transformed computer voices. Here's how:

More Natural-Sounding Speech

AI-powered TTS now creates voices that sound human. How?

  • Deep learning models analyze tons of voice data
  • AI adds natural pauses and breathing

PlayHT, a top AI voice generator, offers 800+ voices in 142 languages. Their PlayHT2.0 model captures subtle voice changes and emotions.

Handling Complex Language

AI has gotten better at tricky language issues:

  • Multiple languages: Murf and Speechify offer voices in many languages
  • Accents and dialects: AI handles various speaking styles
Feature Benefit
SSML support Fine-tune pronunciation
Custom voice creation Create unique, branded voices
Multi-language support Adapt content globally

Adding Emotion to Speech

Modern AI TTS can express feelings:

  • Emotional range: AI voices convey joy, sadness, excitement
  • Context awareness: The system picks up on text's emotional tone and create AI voices with emotional depth, making AI-narrated content more engaging.

Fun fact: 30% of American consumers would pay monthly for a human-like voice assistant. People want natural AI voices.

As AI improves, expect even more lifelike and expressive TTS in the future.


AI TTS Use in Different Fields

AI text-to-speech (TTS) is shaking up how we interact with info across industries. Let's dive into its impact on healthcare, education, media, and smart devices.

TTS in Healthcare

TTS is making healthcare more accessible:

  • It explains complex medical info clearly, helping patients with visual issues or low health literacy.
  • Respeecher's tech boosts speech quality for laryngeal cancer patients using electrolarynx devices.

Joseph Boon, who has Friedreich's Ataxia, uses Respeecher to improve his speech, creating a voice model that sounds like his original voice.

TTS also gives visually impaired patients auditory access to health info, boosting their independence.

TTS in Education

TTS is changing how we learn:

  • It supports different learning styles, letting auditory learners listen to text.
  • Students can read and listen at the same time, helping them remember more.
  • For language learning, TTS provides correct pronunciation of written text.

ReadSpeaker's neural TTS voices are enhancing learning across various LMS platforms.

TTS in Media

The media world is getting creative with TTS:

  • Filmmakers can dub actors' voices or recreate voices of deceased actors.
  • AI voices can narrate audiobooks and podcasts without getting tired.
TTS Use Perk
Film dubbing Easy to record new lines
Audiobooks Consistent voice quality
Podcasts Cheaper content creation

TTS in Cars and Smart Devices

TTS is making our rides and homes smarter:

  • About 125 million U.S. drivers use voice control in cars today.
  • Voice assistants can set navigation, make calls, and control car systems.

Spotify teamed up with ReadSpeaker in 2021 to create custom voices for its Car Thing smart player.

"Spotify is leading the charge in creating a seamless, multimodal experience for users as voice assistants gain popularity." - Roy Lindemann, CMO at ReadSpeaker

TTS in cars isn't just cool - it's safer. It keeps eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.

AI is shaking up the text-to-speech (TTS) market. Here's what's hot in TTS for 2024:

Multi-Language TTS

Companies want TTS that speaks many languages. Why? To talk to people everywhere.

The TTS market's growing fast:

  • 14% yearly growth from 2023 to 2032
  • Could hit $14 billion by 2032

Multi-language demand is fueling this boom.

"Teleperformance boosted training with AI videos in 27 languages. Faster training, happier staff", a Teleperformance rep told us.

Live TTS Systems

TTS is speeding up. Now it's instant, for real-time use.

Old TTS New Live TTS
Slow Instant
Pre-recorded Real-time
Limited use Everywhere

This speed boost helps in:

  • Customer service: Quick call center replies
  • Live events: On-the-spot translations
  • Emergencies: Fast alerts in many languages

TTS Teaming Up

TTS is joining forces with other AI tools:

1. Chatbots + TTS

Talking chatbots are here. They're useful for:

  • Customer help
  • Virtual assistants
  • Helping visually impaired users

2. TTS in Learning

Docebo added Acapela's TTS to its learning platform in January 2024. Students can pick voices they like, making learning easier.

3. TTS for Content

In November 2023, Microsoft launched a tool that turns text into talking avatar videos. It's TTS meets visual AI, opening new content creation doors.

TTS is growing fast and teaming up with other AI. Get ready for voice to play a bigger role in our lives and work.

Problems and Limits

AI-powered text-to-speech (TTS) is getting better, but it's not flawless. Here are the main issues:

Ethics in TTS

Voice cloning is a big deal. Companies can now copy voices without asking, which isn't great.

"This tech can be used for good or bad. We need to figure out how to stop the bad stuff before it goes public", says Anna Bulakh, Head of Ethics at Respeecher.

Some companies, like Respeecher, ask for permission. Others? Not so much.

Data Safety

TTS needs tons of data. That's risky:

  • GoodRx got fined $1.5 million for sharing health data in 2023.
  • Google grabbed "billions of personal records" from Chrome Incognito users.

81% of Americans worry about how AI companies use their data, according to Pew Research.

Tech Hurdles

TTS still has some kinks:

Issue Problem
Pronunciation Weird words are tough
Prosody Sounds robotic
Audio Quality Random noises
Speaker Identity Voice changes

To fix this, TTS needs more data and smarter tech. Murf is trying with deep learning, but it's not perfect yet.

One expert said: "Google Maps sounds WAY better than Stephen Hawking's voice. But it still messes up weird words and emphasis."

So, AI is changing TTS fast, but it's not quite there yet.

What's Next for AI in TTS

AI is shaking up the Text-to-Speech (TTS) world. Here's what's coming:

New TTS Tech

AI is supercharging TTS. Check this out:

  • Deepgram's Aura model talks in real-time with under 200ms delay. That's FAST.

"Deepgram showed me less than 200ms latency today. That's the fastest text-to-speech I've ever seen. And our customers would be more than satisfied with the conversation quality." - Jordan Dearsley, Co-founder at Vapi

  • ElevenLabs now dubs in 29 languages. Global reach, anyone?
  • WellSaid Labs lets you tweak AI voices. Tone, emphasis - you name it.
  • Multi-modal AI might flip the script on TTS in healthcare and beyond.

TTS Market After 2024

The TTS market's on fire. Look at these numbers:

Year Market Size Growth Rate
2024 $3.42 billion -
2029 $7.17 billion 15.96% CAGR

What does this mean?

  1. More cash for new tech
  2. Big players (Amazon, Google, Microsoft) upping their game
  3. Startups might surprise us

Hot areas to watch:

  • E-learning: Moodle + ReadSpeaker = TTS for 200 million learners in 50+ languages.
  • Healthcare: Laerdal Medical's using Azure Text to Speech for 3D training. Their goal? Save 1 million lives yearly by 2030.
  • Responsible AI: As TTS evolves, ethics matter. Companies need to be transparent and fair.

TTS is headed for big things. But remember: with great power comes great responsibility.


The AI-powered Text-to-Speech (TTS) market is booming. Here's what you need to know:

Market Growth

The TTS market is set to explode:

Year Market Size Growth Rate
2024 $4 billion -
2029 $7.6 billion 13.7% CAGR

Cloud-Based Solutions

Cloud TTS is taking off. Why? It's scalable and cheap. Businesses should check out these options for quick setup.

Neural and Custom Voices

These are the big players in TTS. They sound natural and can match your brand. Want to boost user engagement? Look into these.

Industry Applications

TTS is making waves:

  • Education: Helps students with visual and learning issues
  • Healthcare: Improves training simulations
  • Customer Service: Makes call centers better

Real-World Impact

Companies are seeing results:

"AI voice is set to change our lives in personal and work settings." - Matt Hocking, Co-founder of WellSaid Labs

  • Yapi Kredi: Voice-enabled ATMs for people with disabilities
  • New Mexico State: AI-powered training modules

Looking Ahead

  • Multilingual: Reach diverse audiences without breaking the bank
  • Ethics: As TTS grows, companies need to focus on being open and fair

The TTS market is full of opportunities. Use these AI advances to boost accessibility, engage users, and stay ahead in the digital game.

TTS and AI Terms Explained

Let's break down some key terms in AI-powered text-to-speech:

Term What It Means
Text-to-Speech (TTS) Turns written words into spoken ones
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Helps AI understand human language
Deep Learning Advanced AI for more natural voices
Neural TTS Uses deep learning for human-like speech
Voice Synthesis Creates AI voices from language data

TTS is the backbone of turning text into speech. It's evolved from robotic voices to something much more natural.

NLP helps TTS systems grasp text better, improving how AI voices speak.

Deep Learning? It's why AI voices are starting to sound human.

Neural TTS takes it up a notch. It creates voices that adjust tone based on what they're saying.

Voice Synthesis is where the magic happens. It uses tons of voice data to build voices that sound real.

Together, these technologies power modern TTS. That's why AI can now read with emotion and natural speech patterns.